Is it possible to travel China without speaking Chinese (Mandarin)? The answer depends on which part of the country you plan to see, but in general the answer is “yes”…although it is advisable to learn as much of the Chinese language as you can before you leave! Thankfully, learning basic Mandarin isn’t as hard as you might think.

While I’ve spent a lot of time and effort personally learning Mandarin (check out my list of Chinese learning tools I’ve used), I’ve met quite a few travelers who can speak nothing more than a few words here and there. What’s worse, I know many expats who live here and can’t speak more than enough to order food or take a taxi home.
The truth is that speaking Mandarin is not a “must” in order to travel out here to China...
…but it helps.
It’s easier to get around major cities like Beijing and Shanghai without speaking Mandarin – or any other major tourist city for that matter. Taxi drivers are trained to know enough English to get you where you need to go. Additionally, most restaurants have menus in English. Tourist attractions often have English signs and local assistance, making it easier for non-Chinese speakers to navigate.
The trouble comes when you want to travel outside the city.
Whether into the countryside or to anywhere where tourist aren’t as common, the language barrier seems to get higher. It’s at this point you need to consider how you’ll be able to communicate with those who have absolutely no ability to speak English.
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What if you don’t have time to learn Mandarin Chinese, but you still want to explore beyond China’s big cities? There are still a few very good options for you to consider.
Taking advantage of these options will enhance your visit to China by giving you access to more of Chinese culture. In many cases, it will also earn you the favor of those locals with whom you speak.
Preparing for Your Trip
Traveling to China without speaking Chinese can seem daunting, but with a bit of preparation, you can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. One of the best ways to prepare is by learning some basic Chinese phrases. Even if you don’t become fluent, knowing a few key phrases can help you navigate everyday situations, communicate with locals, and show respect for Chinese culture.
Learning Basic Chinese Phrases
While it’s entirely possible to travel to China without speaking Chinese, having a few basic phrases up your sleeve can make a world of difference. Simple greetings, expressions of gratitude, and common questions can help you connect with Chinese people and make your interactions more pleasant. Plus, locals will appreciate your effort to speak their language, even if it’s just a few words.
One excellent resource for learning these phrases is the Lonely Planet Mandarin Phrasebook. This handy guide covers essential phrases for travelers, including greetings, directions, food, and shopping. It also features a pronunciation guide and a dictionary section to help you learn new words and phrases.
Here are some basic Chinese phrases to get you started:
- Hello: 你好 (nǐ hǎo)
- Thank you: 谢谢 (xiè xiè)
- Goodbye: 再见 (zài jiàn)
- Excuse me: 对不起 (duì bù qǐ)
- Sorry: 对不起 (duì bù qǐ)
- Do you speak English?: 你会说英语吗? (nǐ huì shuō yīng yǔ ma?)
- I don’t understand: 我不理解 (wǒ bù lǐ jiě)
By learning these basic Chinese phrases, you’ll find it easier to navigate China without speaking Chinese fluently. It’s a small effort that can significantly enhance your travel experience.
Option #1: Use Smart Phone Apps
Currently, one of the most popular ways to get around China without a deep knowledge of the Mandarin Chinese language is by taking advantage of your smartphone.
There are literally hundreds of app and podcasts designed to help you learn Mandarin on the go or have a dictionary at your fingertips.
I’ve already gone into great detail about my favorite apps to help you learn how to read Chinese as well as my favorite apps to help you learn how to write Chinese.
That’s not really what I’m referring to here, though.
There are specific apps that are designed to translate to/from Chinese on the go. However, it’s important to note that Google Map is often not dependable in China due to restrictions and the need for a VPN. I’ve already gone through an extensive review of the best voice translation apps for China, but for the purpose of this article I’m going to condense it to two my favorites:
iTranslate Converse Mobile App
iTranslate Converse is one of the best translation apps on the market today and the one I recommend you try. You speak into your phone and it translates what you’ve said into Chinese.
Likewise you can have a Chinese person speak into your phone and it will translate back to you in English. The only downside is that this app is only available as an iPhone app.
Google Translate for Chinese
Google Translate is an excellent app that translates on the fly using the network connection on the phone. The only problem here is that since Google is blocked in China, you’ll also need a VPN to use it.
Still, it’s a great app that offers amazingly accurate translations. Google Translate is available for both iOS and Android.
There is one very important thing to consider if you plan on using your phone as a translation device. In order to use these apps, you’ll need to have internet access on your phone.
Perhaps you’ll sign up for international roaming on your phone or you can try to purchase a Chinese SIM card for your phone. Another option is to use your own phone while connected to WiFi. Believe it or not, there are some great ways to find reliable WiFi connections in China.
Whatever option you choose, make sure that your phone can connect to the internet before relying on smartphone voice translation apps to travel China without speaking Chinese.
Option #2: Bring a Mandarin Phrasebook
The easiest and historically popular fix for not speaking Mandarin Chinese is the trusty Chinese Phrasebook. Most of them come in pocket-sized editions that are light to carry, simple to use, and cater to those who know very little language. It is also important to have essential information like hotel addresses in both Pinyin and Chinese characters.
Oftentimes there will be a language section in whatever China travel book you choose, but if you’re looking for something more detailed and specific, I can personally recommend one of the following:
Lonely Planet Mandarin Phrasebook
Lonely Planet Mandarin does a good job of giving you the most practical phrases you might want to use as a traveler.
Topics include “Sightseeing”, “Social”, “Emergencies” and “Eating”. There is even a menu decoder that is quite useful. LP gives you access to downloadable audio files to listen to pronunciation.
If you’re the kind of person who needs a CD, the older version includes a CD (what the heck is a CD!?).
Rough Guides Mandarin Phrasebook
Rough Guides has managed to produce one of the nicest phrasebooks available on the market today, with over 7,000 words and phrases you’ll need while traveling to China.
Best of all, it comes with an app you can download to listen or use the correct pronunciations.
If you’re looking for a good Mandarin phrasebook to keep with you, this is an excellent option.
These are just two of many different phrase guides on the market today. If you’d like, you can read through a more comprehensive review of the best Mandarin phrasebooks for your China travel.
Option #3: Use a Flash Language Course
I call these Mandarin language courses “flash” because they’re not meant to be a long-term solution to learning the language. These courses are meant to be consumed quickly, usually via audio but sometimes on a computer. Alternatively, using sign language can be an effective method of communication when language barriers are encountered.
If you start these about a month before leaving on your trip and remain diligent in your studies, you should be more than competent enough to get around China. Here is what I have personally used along with my thoughts:
Pimsleur Mandarin Audio Course
I used Pimsleur Mandarin before I left for China and I think it gave me an excellent head-start on learning the language.
Why? Because in the all-audio format it forced me to learn a Chinese accent without worrying about the characters.
Pimsleur also offers a full Chinese Level 1 Course which is excellent for someone coming to live here but would be overkill for a traveler.
Rosetta Stone Language Course
Unlike Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone Mandarin functions either on your computer or mobile device.
I love their learning method, but one negative side is that they don’t focus on useful traveling phrases.
Plus, you’re forced into a subscription service for what ends up being a very expensive product (they’re very proud of it!).
There are plenty of other such courses you’ll find at your local bookstore or online. My only suggestion is that you concentrate on those that teach you via audio instead of learning how to read/write. As a short-term travelers, this will be the most important.
Option #4: Use a Tour Company
If you don’t think your brain can handle attempting another language or you just want your trip to be a relaxing experience, consider joining a quality Chinese tour company.
It’s not always the cheapest option, but at least in this way you’ll have a guide who speaks English and will take care of all your needs. Speaking a word of Mandarin won’t be necessary at all.
The good news is that you’re not alone. There are enough people who just want to travel to China without speaking the language that many companies have catered extensively to you. There are day trips, 10 day trips and longer available to pretty much any place that you might want to go.
For example, you can try to navigate around Shanghai on your own, or you can explore some of the most under-appreciated Shanghai destinations with an English-speaking guide to provide historical context. It’s only a one-day tour and it’s quite affordable!
The bottom line is, these companies will charge you for a pleasant trip in China. However, it will be one that doesn’t require you to speak Mandarin Chinese.
Staying Safe and Connected
Staying connected with family and friends while traveling in China can be challenging due to the language barrier and internet restrictions. However, with a bit of planning, you can ensure that you remain in touch with your loved ones and stay safe throughout your journey.
Staying Connected with Family and Friends
One of the first steps to staying connected in China is to download a VPN (Virtual Private Network) app. Since many popular websites and apps like Google and Facebook are blocked in China, a VPN will allow you to access these services. Make sure to download and set up your VPN before you arrive in China.
Using a translation app, such as Google Translate, can also be incredibly helpful. These apps can assist you in communicating with locals, reading signs, and understanding menus. Remember, you’ll need internet access to use these apps, so consider purchasing a local SIM card or renting a portable Wi-Fi hotspot.
Here are some additional tips to stay connected:
- Use Social Media and Messaging Apps: Apps like WeChat and WhatsApp are great for staying in touch with family and friends. WeChat is particularly popular in China and can be used for messaging, calls, and even payments.
- Portable Power Bank: Keeping your devices charged is crucial, especially when you’re on the go. A portable power bank can ensure that your phone and other devices stay powered throughout the day.
By taking these steps, you can stay safe and connected while traveling in China, even if you don’t speak Chinese. With the right tools and a bit of preparation, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip to such a stunning country without worrying about the language barrier.
Final Thoughts | Travel China with No Chinese
In short, you can rest assured that a trip to China does not require you to speak Chinese. While knowledge of Chinese is not necessary to visit China, learning a few phrases can enhance the overall travel experience. It is possible to get around China sometimes using only English and most certainly using voice translation apps on your phone or Mandarin phrasebooks.
I encourage you to take some time to learn as much as you can before you leave, though. Even something as simple as some greetings and numbers will help you get better prices when you’re bargaining
One thing is for sure. While knowing Chinese is not mandatory for visiting China, having some basic knowledge can enrich the travel experience. The time spent learning the Chinese language will only benefit you – whether now or in the future.
My daughter and I traveled China with very little language skills, mine rudimentary at best, my daughter’s – non existent. We used several apps to help us when I didn’t know how to say what we needed to communicate. It was a little stressful at times, but I found most Chinese people willing to help. Except the taxi drivers. Most, maybe 90% seemed to hate us the minute we got in the back seat, before I even attempted to communicate. This is a great list!
Thanks for the comment, Rebecca! I agree with you – the quality of Mandarin phrase apps is amazing nowadays. There are even apps where you can speak your sentence and it will translate it instantaneously (requires an internet connection, though).
Like I said in the article – and you repeated here – it is certainly possible to travel in China without any Mandarin Chinese language ability. But it can certainly be a bit stressful!
Definitely! We used “SayHi” and though it requires an internet connection, it was WELL worth it. I have also used Pleco to translate menus, directions, train tickets, etc. We had coffee with several friends we met via HelloTalk. My favorite phrase I learned in China was 中国情结
I’ll be watching your website for more great tips! Thanks!
Hi Josh, how nice To read your tips on what to do before travelling thru ChinA. What about injections? Here, in holland, they advise me to get at least HepatiTus A and dtp
When it comes to vaccinations, I recommend you check with your country’s health department to see what they recommend for anyone traveling to China. It would be foolish of me to try to advise you since I don’t have the expertise!
I’ve heard that in China they practically do not use usual messengers like Facebook or WhatsApp. Are there any features when using WeChat messenger? What languages does the WeChat messenger work in?
You can download WeChat in English, but a number of the features are only useful if you live in China (such as the pay feature). Unfortunately, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are blocked in China.
Thank you, Josh.
Are there any alternative international services in China?